Euro Barometer

Europe's public opinion

Twice a year the European Commission publishes the Eurobarometer, which contains the results of a questionaire asked to a 1000 people in each member country of the EU (and sometimes candidate members also). Topics are plentyfull and include the ambitions of the EU, the major issues facing each country, and words best describing the EU.

There are lots of reports, graphs and spreadsheets showing the results of this barometers, or even more detailed barometers (which you can find site). Goal of this site is to make it easier to compare differences in opinions between countries on the topics in the Eurobarometer: Just click a subject and a response to see the score on the map below.

More info

To see the data for yourself:

Go to this site.

Why don't the answers always add up to 100%?

For some questions in the barometer, people can give multiple answers. See for instance the Issues facing countries.

What do D-E and D-W mean?

The barometer contains data for Germany, but also for the former West Germany and East Germany. Although on the map the responses are shown for Germany, in the legend on the map, you will find the response for Germany and East- and West Germany.

How is the mean calculated and what does it mean?

The mean is calculated sometimes to make it easier to compare countries on some subjects that have many different responses. This mean is not in the original data. Do mind that it a mean of an ordinal scale, the responses to all the questions are of the form 'strongly agree, somewhat agree etc', and that it is not a 'true' mean. The mean is calculated as the weighted summation of the percentage of the people who gave an answer other then "don't know" and a weight factor. The weight factors are distributed evenly over the interval from 0 up and including 1, with step size 1/ (num_category-1).

Breakdown Notes

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